This is a compilation of thoughts and quotes that I have found or written recently, as well as many that I've collected throughout the years. Most thoughts are posted randomly, as I feel inspired. A listing of quotes can be found alphabetically (check the 2008 and 2009 archives listing), or by source.

Feel free to suggest additions!

“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” – Proverbs 23:7

Monday, December 21, 2009

My Mountain

I wrote this several years ago, but thought it fit well with the last post:

(photo by Ken R. Young)

My heavy eyelids
do not need coaxing to close.
The heaviness weighing upon my mind,
caused by a steady stream of struggles and burdens,
has created a forceful desire
for a cerebral pause,
an emotional relief.
The trials of life have left me exhausted.
I can no longer deal with
the incessant stings and jabs
that have afflicted my recent days.
I must depart this consciousness.

Within a few moments
sleep overcomes and blesses my mind
with much needed escape.
Floating, I drift off
through a canvass of billowy clouds
which slowly dissipates
to reveal a stunning view.
Before me lies the awesome magnificence
of a high mountain scene -
peaks capped with snow,
lakes shimmering with reflected sunlight,
and evergreens, aspen and wildflowers
providing a tapestry of strength and beauty
across the landscape.

The sounds of nesting birds,
fluttering leaves, cricking bugs and a gurgling stream,
accentuate the living reality
of my sub-conscious experience.
All the senses are enlivened
as they soak up the joy,
the peace and the power
of this paradisiacal setting.
Is this heaven?
My soul rejoices that I am here!
I reach out to embrace it all,
to consume it
and make it a part of me.

And then it strikes me -
I am basking in the glories of earth.
This earth, which is my home,
my life, my reality.
I realize with surging conviction,
that I love my home,
I love my life and
I love my reality - complete with its struggles and burdens.
For this mountain of beauty
is a symbol of everything that is good
and right in my life.
The love of family and friends,
and the multi-colored palette of earthly blessings
which has painted my life
are represented here.

My inner strength is restored.
Newfound vigor races from the heart
and forces open my eyes.
I look around
and begin recognizing the true sources
of joy in my life.
One by one,
the details of my mountain vision
are re-created in the realities of my life.
The emerging scene is beautiful and breathtaking.
I now see that my life,
colored with love and joy,
as well as tears and trial,
is a marvelous, extraordinary experience.
It is an exciting challenge
to live, to love, to find joy
and embrace it.

by Ken R. Young

For more inspiration on mountains, see also:

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