This is a compilation of thoughts and quotes that I have found or written recently, as well as many that I've collected throughout the years. Most thoughts are posted randomly, as I feel inspired. A listing of quotes can be found alphabetically (check the 2008 and 2009 archives listing), or by source.

Feel free to suggest additions!

“For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” – Proverbs 23:7

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Storms Bring Out The Eagles by Helen Steiner Rice

When the "storms of life" gather darkly ahead,
I think of these wonderful words I once read
And I say to myself as "threatening clouds" hover
Don't "fold up your wings" and "run for cover"

But like the eagle "spread wide your wings"
and "soar far above" the trouble life brings,
For the eagle knows that the higher he flies
The more tranquil and brighter become the skies...

And there is nothing in life God ever asks us to bear
That we can't soar above "On the Wings of Prayer,"
And in looking back over the "storm you passed through"
You'll find you gained strength and new courage, too,

For in facing "life's storms" with an eagle's wings
You can fly far above earth's small, petty things.

by Helen Steiner Rice

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